PAC News

Weekly Update - October 3, 2021

Picture of Lochside PAC
Weekly Update - October 3, 2021
by Lochside PAC - Sunday, 3 October 2021, 11:47 PM

Hello Lochside Families!

Just like that September is gone and we are into October!

Thank Yous

A few of our pre-pandemic favorites have started up again. These wouldn’t be possible without the most generous donation of time from our volunteers.

A big thank you to Michelle, Shannon and Tanya for getting fruit and veggies out to our kids two weeks ago. If you saw a piece of fruit in your child’s backpack that week, that is where it came from.

Thank you as well to Jamie and Nicole for getting our popcorn program started up. Jamie will be in charge of getting the popcorn to our hungry lizards every second Wednesday of the month.

Finally, this last Friday was our first Fun Lunch and it went down without a hitch. Thanks so much to Kirsty for organizing and thank you to Nicole, Jasmine and Heather who were her amazing helpers.

As you may have heard, the Provincial Health Officer provided an update on Friday of the Provincial COVID-19 Communicable Disease Guidelines for K-12 Settings.  You can find the announcement HERE

Beginning this Monday October 4th, all students in B.C. schools will be required to wear a mask. 

Lochside Admin is asking that along with making sure your child has a mask and backup mask with them each day, if you could please provide a box of disposable masks to keep in the classroom with your child. This is similar to how tissue boxes are part of a student’s school supplies. 

Terry Fox Run

Lochside Lizards will be participating in the annual Terry Fox run on October 8th from 1:00 - 1:30 please send your child in with a Toonie for Terry or if you are able to donate to the school’s fundraiser page, please follow this link

Halloween - The Great Pumpkin Hunt!

LEPAC’S Halloween Event will be on Oct 21 5-7pm

Lochside Families are invited to join us for the Great Pumpkin Hunt.  Pumpkins will be hidden outside the school and families are encouraged to find all the pumpkins and then decode the letters to find the fun message!  You can then submit your answer to win a prize! A donation is encouraged when submitting your answer (this will help us fund our LEPAC initiatives like Seaquaria, Portable Sound System, Mathathletics and more).  Food will be available for pre-purchase (watch for details on how to do this)!

We are still looking for volunteers to help with the planning and on the day itself.

We are also seeking any prize donations for our event from the lochside community

Please email if you can help out.

Volunteers for Reading
Do you know any retired seniors in the community who might be willing to read to Lochside Students once a week? Mr. Vickers is looking for some Literacy Mentors to help foster a passion for reading. Please contact us and we will get the ball rolling. They would need to get a criminal record check done through here

LEPAC Budget

Our 2021-22 proposed budget was presented at the September LEPAC Meeting, and will be voted on at the October 12th meeting. Here are the budgets as presented

General Account 2021-2022
Gaming Account 2021-2022


Oct 8 - Terry Fox Run

Oct 11 - Thanksgiving (No School)

Oct 12 - LEPAC Meeting 6:30-8:00pm

Oct 13 - Popcorn Day

Oct 21 - Great Pumpkin Hunt


Country Grocer - Save your Country Grocer receipts and bring them into school with your child
Bottle Drive - Drop your bottles off at the Bottle Depot and tell them it’s for “Lochside Elementary School PAC” 

Mabel’s Labels