Important Dates and/or Reminders:
- Lochside Trail walk is tomorrow, weather permitting. Students need to come prepared with good walking shoes and a light jacket. If it is raining, we will postpone for the week. Each week I need at least 1 parent to join us. I have made a sign-up on a google doc for parents to indicate which week they'd like to join us. I have allowed space for 3 parents to join us if we have more than one parent wanting to come. Feel free to sign-up as often as you'd like! The link is here. Anyone with the link is able to enter their name into a free slot. If you are accessing it on a smartphone or other device, you will need the google docs app and a sign-in. You do not need to sign-in if you are using a desktop computer.
- Picture orders are due by October 13th.
- Shannon Toronitz, our school counsellor who is at Lochside on Wednesday mornings, has shared a link to her padlet page for families who are looking for resources and support in our community:
- Lesson 5 studies silent consonants such as, /t/ in fasten and castles; /b/ in debt and crumbs; /n/ in hymns; /k/ in knickers; and /gh/ in eyesight.
Reading Studio
- This week we are will be reflecting on our reading and the ability to choose a just-right book. We will be using an app called 'ChatterPix' to take a recording of our voice reading to upload to FreshGrade. This will be the start to our FreshGrade portfolios. Soon I will be sending an invite to families so you can view their portfolios. We will also be talking about the 'Story Mountain' to support the idea that 'reading is thinking.' We will be thinking about our story and be able to talk about where we are on the story mountain.
- Our focus this week is that: Writers narrow a topic. We will look back over our authority list and highlight a big topic. We will practice thinking of smaller writing ideas under each big topic. Lastly writers know that writing is a process. We pre-write, write a rough draft, revise and edit, and even publish some writing.
- For the month of October we will be focusing on soccer skills. This week we will continue with kicking and tackling skills and finish off the week with goalkeeping/kicking and throw-ins.
- This week we are looking at comparing and ordering numbers using place value and greater than/lesser than and 'equal to' signs. We complete activities in class to show our learning but will also have a time for reflection, using the 'Draw and Tell' app. We will also use Reflex Math in the classroom to practice our basic facts. Reflex has been set-up for the year using your child's student number as the password. You can access Reflex from home here. Type in 'snorris' for the username, click on 'Division 3,' and look for your child's name.
Social Studies/Science
- We will be starting a science unit soon but will be beginning with an 'umbrella lesson' this week to set the stage for the year. Throughout our curriculum we will be bringing in First Peoples Principles of Learning and Indigenous Perspectives. Our umbrella lesson will introduce us to who was here in Canada, before it was known as Canada. Later this year we will be learning more about the path to Canada becoming a country looking at the government, immigration, and multiculturalism.