Important Dates and/or Reminders:
- Our first Lochside Trail walk will be this Wednesday, weather permitting. I need a parent to join us. If you are interested, please let me know. Students need to come prepared with good walking shoes and a light jacket. If it is raining, we will postpone for the week.
- Entertainment Books are due. Send in money if you are keeping the book or return the book if you are not interested in purchasing it.
- Picture orders are due by October 13th.
- No school next Monday. Enjoy the Thanksgiving weekend with you friends and family.
- Lesson 4 studies the /n/ sound spelled 'gn' as in designer, the /r/ sound spelled 'wr' as in wrath, and the /ch/ sound spelled as 'tch' as in scratched.
Reading Studio
- This week we are looking at non-fiction genres: informational, biography, autobiography and will finish off the week with poetry.
- Our focus this week is that: Writers know when they are finished and look back to add details or change words. Writers keep writing starting with a new topic. Writers conference with other writers to share ideas and give feedback. And writers share their writing with other writers.
- For the month of October we will be focusing on soccer skills. This week we will warm-up with basic dribbling, trapping, and kicking skills.
- This week we are playing a variety of games and doing a variety of activities around place value, looking at numbers with words, base ten, and expanded form.
- Gearing up for the fall season we will be doing some art activities with a pumpkin theme. This week we will try out sketching a fall, pumpkin scene.