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Monday, September 28, 2015

Picture of Sherisse Norris
Monday, September 28, 2015
by Sherisse Norris - Monday, 28 September 2015, 4:49 PM

Here we are in our last week of September already---and what an end to the month with this beautiful weather.  We pulled out the water table this afternoon and were having fun in the sun exploring water.

Upcoming Dates / Reminders:

  • October Special Helper calendar went home on Friday.  Put it up on the fridge or in your child's room so they can see when their turn is coming up.  
  • Mr. Grewal would like to remind parents to not leave your car parked in the Drop Off or Drive Thru lanes.  It makes it difficult for traffic to flow through our parking lot.  Especially on the rainy days when more students are being picked up or dropped off.
  • We have a couple of field trips coming up this month.  Please watch for the permission forms to sign and return as soon as possible.  We have our Kindergarten bus safety on October 9th and a trip to Galey's with all of the K classes on October 22nd.
  • Don't forget to return the plastic sleeves so we can reuse them for notices!

Classroom News:


  • Last week we learned about the letters J, T, Y, C(and K), and L.  This week we will learn about M, B, N, I, and G.  The students have been enjoying talking about these letters, the sounds they make, and what words we know that either start with that letter or have it in it.  Some friends have been writing these words on the back of their letter pages. 

Speaking & Listening:

  • Today we read a book about 'bucket filling'----saying or doing kind things that make others (and ourselves) feel good.  This week we will focus on being 'bucket fillers.'  (Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud)

Reading & Writing:

  • We made our first entry into our Journals today.  The children were asked to draw a picture of what they did on the weekend and use at least 3 colours.  When finished I scribed a sentence describing their picture.
  • Our first poem (September)will go into our Poem duotangs this week.  These will come home monthly at the end of the month on our library day (Thursday) and need to be returned after the weekend.  Students are encouraged to read the poems to their families.
  • This week we will be reading books and looking outside for signs of fall.  We will talk about what we already know and what we wonder which will guide our learning over the next few weeks.


  • We are looking forward to starting music on Tuesday this week.  We will be learning songs all fall with Mrs. Chater.


  • This month we are focusing on moving safely in the gym, looking for empty spaces, trying not to bump into our friends.  This week we will try moving in a variety of ways throughout the gym and play some games with our friends.