Upcoming Reminders and/or Events:
- Trail Walk is on tomorrow (Wednesday). Wear boots! The snow is pretty soft and slushy with lots of puddles to walk through.
- We need headphones! We have been exploring music creation through the iPad app Garage Band and don't enough headphones for the iPads. If you have a set laying around the house you wouldn't mind sending in to school in a labelled baggie, or just a folded over piece of labelled masking tape, we'll put them to good use. The small white ear buds that come with Apple devices fit nicely in our iPad covers. We will keep these in students' individual supplies box. They will not be used by other students and will be sent home at the end of the year.
- Our field trip to UVic to hear the Victoria Symphony play will be on Monday. Please send in your permission forms if you haven't already.
- Pink Shirt Day is coming up next week on Tuesday. Support anti-bullying by wearing pink on February 26th.
Novel Study: We continue with our novel studies on immigration and diversity. Students have been selecting book(s) to read and respond to independently and then meet up with others in Grade 4/5 who have been reading the same book to share their journal responses. Our reading studio lessons have been focusing on skills to help us go deeper with our reflections - we are working on inferencing skills and connecting the books to the bigger concepts of immigration and diversity.
Social Studies: Currently we are studying about the gold rush in BC. We are starting to learn about how the gold rush influenced immigration and diversity in BC and how it supported BC joining confederation.
Math: We continue with multiplication strategies and continue to build on what we know from the previous lesson with larger numbers.
Writing Studio: Our fantasy stories are coming along. We are now adding tension to our stories and will finish writing this week by including falling action and resolving the tension.
Basketball: We've had many interruptions in the gym recently and will finally be finishing our basketball tournament this week. We have some great basketball stars!