Please sign up ASAP to bring a dish in for the teacher/staff appreciation luncheon to spare the organizers from last minute panic! It is this coming Wednesday, May the 14th. Food can be dropped off in the morning, in the LEPAC Kitchen or Fridge, off the stage. Please ensure your food item AND dish is clearly labelled. If you are able to bring something in hot at lunch time, that would be great, also. If you have specific questions, please phone Stephanie at 250-217-9382.
Please click on the link below to sign up so we know how much of what food type is coming!
Please pick up your dishes in the LEPAC Kitchen on Friday. If there are leftovers, we will leave them in the staff room for Thurs/Fri consumption. Last year, we had several dishes not claimed so feel free to leave your tel# on your dishes so we can remind you if needed.
Also if your child has not yet coloured a fabulous Teacher Appreciation Kite, here it is attached and if you bring it into the school asap, we can add it to the lovely collection around the school.
Thank you for your support in acknowledging all of the care and attention Lochside teachers and staff provide our children!