PAC News

Special Update: Thursday, June 27, 2024

Picture of Lochside PAC
Special Update: Thursday, June 27, 2024
by Lochside PAC - Thursday, 27 June 2024, 9:18 AM

Hi, Lochside!  Happy last day of school. Please check out a few special updates/reminders below: 


1) *Register Now* Summer Camp LASP: July 3 - Aug 23

LASP is still open for summer camp registration.  Please see the image posted on FB to sign up. 

We'd love to have a full LASP camp this summer.  Thank you. 


2) *Important Updates* Message from our LEPAC Co-Presidents

Dear Lochside Parents and Caregivers,

We would like to send a huge thank you to our wonderful community for another successful year at Lochside! We wish you all a very happy summer and best of luck to those who are leaving the school to start new adventures – Huge congratulations to our Grade 5s.

LEPAC is looking forward already to the 2024/25 school year. A couple of things we would like you to look out for are:

  1. Pre-made school packages through Monk’s are now available for students in Grades 2 to 5. Enter School Code 33770C to order. If your child will be going into Kindergarten or Grade 1, the teachers would prefer that you send $45 at the beginning of the school year and they will do a bulk order. Deadline is July 24th.  

    Please also see: the school supply list for grades 2/3 and school supply list for grades 4/5

  2. LEPAC will be building our own website over the summer! This means we will no longer be sending out our Weekly Updates in the same way as we have been. Please keep a look out on our Facebook page “Lochside Elementary Parents Page” or in communications from the School to find out how best to keep up-to-date with LEPAC news!

Thank you again for another great year and please, consider coming to our LEPAC meetings starting back up on September 10th at 6:30pm. A large number of our Executive will be retiring after next year and we will need new parents and caregivers to carry on the important work! All of your voices are so important and help make Lochside the amazing community that it is.

Wishing you and your families all the best!

Anya and Eva, LEPAC Co-Presidents


[Ongoing Fundraisers]

  • Country Grocer - Save your receipts and bring to school!
  • Mabel’s Labels - Order personalised labels, loose less stuff 
  • Bottle Depot - Mention Lochside Elementary PAC at return centres or use our blue bin (Note: our bin is temporarily offsite as of May 2024)

[Upcoming Dates]

Please view our newly updated interactive calendar for dates and details* or see below for some dates:

  •  Thursday, June 27 - Last Day of School - Report Cards will be distributed

  • July 2-Sept 19 - Free Summers at Ship Point Hosted by our Communications Coordinator, Tera. More Details soon!

[Please LIKE our FB page!]

We want to make sure you stay connected... smile Here's the link:

Have a great summer! We'll be in touch periodically with updates and any offerings that pop up that you should know about.  smile