Every year LEPAC creates a budget that will guide spending for the year. This year is no different in that we have created a budget to guide us through this school year. What is different is our ability to run our many community events that fund a significant portion of our LEPAC initiatives like Emergency Lunches, Club Support, Teacher's Classroom Budget, Home Reading Program, Reflex Math, Lexia, Artist in Residence, Seaquaria, Field Trips and many more.
Consequently, LEPAC has chosen to fund the many programs through a deficit budget. This deficit will be covered by savings that are in the bank account. This choice was discussed at length and LEPAC felt that since we did have savings, this year is the time to use it. The reason for this is that this year is financially challenging for many families, and LEPAC has historically not run many specific "fundraisers" that are not part of community building and cannot count on income from those sources.
LEPAC will endeavor to reduce the deficit through various fundraising initiatives that will be rolled out throughout the year.
Please find attached the Proposed 2020-2021 LEPAC Budget. This budget will be voted on at the next LEPAC meeting on Tuesday November 10th at 6:30pm.