Front Page News

A message to our Lochside Community

Picture of Tom Vickers
A message to our Lochside Community
by Tom Vickers - Friday, 3 April 2020, 1:00 PM

A message to our Lochside Community:

The teachers at Lochside School are being very mindful on how to best support your child’s learning at home. Our intention is to start slow to ensure successful experiences for everyone. Teachers have been emailing out a few suggestions for activities you can be doing at home right now. Take this time to explore these suggested activities and resources as you also learn to navigate this new reality for your family. More structured plans for literacy and numeracy activities will begin the following week (April 14th-18th). Please keep in mind that the delivery of learning at home opportunities will vary from class to class.

Teachers have also been using this time to collaborate, learn the Virtual Communication tool TEAMS and to become familiar with many new digital resources. Learning opportunities will begin over the coming weeks.  You will see core activities in literacy and numeracy (5 hours per week combined) as well as other optional educational opportunities offered.

Next week you should expect your child’s teacher to continue making connections with your family and the focus will be on re-building a sense of community, for the class. It is certain that staff are missing their students, and are using a variety of  communication tools to reconnect and support their students’ learning.  

 How can you help?

  • If you need a device or help to secure internet for home, contact your child’s teacher, Mr. Vickers or Mrs. O’Leary 

  • Set reasonable expectations and create a routine - it could be you do a little school work each day or longer sessions a couple of days a week

  • Continue with the basics - a little reading and some number work every day

  • Ensure you are reading and responding to email and other communications, so teachers know they are reaching you

  • If you have a pressing need for tools to access learning for your child please be in touch with classroom teachers.  We may be able to arrange for important items to be picked up in a safe way while respecting orders from the Provincial Health Officer and school procedures for safety and cleaning.

  • Sign up for Forum posts - this is a good way to receive updates and tips from our community .  You can sign up for school posts and LEPAC posts. Both are a great way to stay in touch. Here is the link to our webpage.  Click on Parents and choose Subscriptions

 Together with our  amazing team and community, we will get through this successfully.

 With appreciation,

 Tom & Joan

 Following our Friday Tradition - Friday is Joke Daysmile  

1. What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?   A dino-snore!

2. What is fast, loud and crunchy?  A rocket chip!

3. Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert? Because she was stuffed.