Upcoming Reminders and/or Events:
- Trail Walk is on Wednesday! We will be on the trail from 8:50-9:20am. Parents and grandparents are welcome to join us.
- I would like to explore using two websites to complement our lessons in class. One is a website called Prodigy which is a game-based site that helps students master math skills. The other one is a typing.com that teaches typing with interactive lessons, typing games, and achievements. Both sites require a login/password so that I can follow their progress and adjust their lessons as needed. I have a teacher account and will provide a login/password for your child to use---which we will write down in our agendas. The logins include their first name and last initial only. No full names or their student email have been shared. Both of these websites can be accessed at home for extra practice. Let me know if you have any questions.
Here's what we're up to in class:
- Spelling: We are focusing on the letters 'air' and 'are' this week
- Gym: We started our tournament today. Ask your child what the name of their team is.
- Math: This week we are working on our subtraction skills. Today we noticed that they need a little work! Especially when needing to borrow.
- Writing Studio: Today we worked on editing and revising our published work. Later in the week we will be working on strong sentences. I am noticed that many students have run-on sentences in their work.
- Science: We are nearing the end of our solutions unit and making connections to solutions important to us and natural resources. We will be exploring a mini inquiry into the importance of water to the human body.