Hello Everyone,
We just wanted to make sure that everyone had access to the link to sign up to volunteer at this year's Halloween Party! This event is always such a success due in large part to the amazing parents that volunteer their time.
So, click on the link below and see some more details and what volunteer opportunities are available!
Into the Woods Halloween Dance
When- October 19th
Time- 5:30-8:30pm
Where- Lochside Elementary (Enter at Kindergarten Door)
What- games, prizes, dance with DJ, cupcake walk and food
Cost- Admission is $5
Food- pizza, hot dogs, chips, carrots by suggested $5/person donation
Volunteers- are essential for this event to be planned and carried out. A sign-up sheet will be provided this week for shifts during the Halloween party. Please consider signing up for a shift. Any one interested in helping prior to the event, please email Nicole at lochsidepac@sd63.bc.ca
This has become one of our biggest events of the year! You don't want to miss out. This is a great activity to come have some fun, eat some great food and get to know more of our Lochside families!! Costumes are encouraged!!!!!!!!!
Check out our event on Facebook
One of the most popular events at the Halloween party is our annual Cupcake Walk. We encourage families to bake 2 dozen regular sized cupcakes, which are used to give away during our Cupcake Walk. Some families have made it a tradition to bake and decorate their Halloween themed cupcakes! It is always fun to see how creative everyone can be!!!!
We ask that the cupcakes are dropped off the morning of the Halloween party (October 19th) on the stage where they will be organized for the evening. Please label all trays and/or containers.
Thank you!!