PAC News

Reminder - Silent Auction Tickets!

Picture of Lochside PAC
Reminder - Silent Auction Tickets!
by Lochside PAC - Thursday, 25 May 2017, 8:58 PM

LEPAC's Silent Auction is only 1 week away!!!!!!  Thank you to everyone who have already donated auction items and/or cash as well as purchased tickets. Your support is greatly appreciated!!!!

Important things to remember:

The Beach House is requesting the number of people attending to plan for food.  We are requesting that you purchase your tickets by tomorrow, May 26th.

How to buy tickets?

How can you contribute?

  • Donate silent auction items- Fill out form (found at school office and was also sent home last week) and drop off donation item with form attached to the bin outside of office
  • Gift Basket contribution-  Drop off items to contribute to any of the following themed baskets (Wine, Arts and Crafts, Bath, Baking/Cooking, Movie)
  • Cash/Cheque Donation- Fill out attached form, send donation and form with child to put in envelope outside classroom

Here are just a few items that you could get a great deal on!!!!

  1. Front row seating at Christmas concert
  2. Parking space- each month will be auctioned off at the fundraiser!!!!!!
  3. Golf Town
  4. Royal BC Museum Family Pass
  5. Timeless Toys
  6. Baby Dog Training
  7. Pure Day Spa
  8. Bosley's
  9. Sunglasses from Penisular Lifetime Eyecare Centre
  10. Miniature World

and much, much , more!!!!

Thank you for all your generous support for this great event.  We look forward to seeing everyone there!!