Front Page News

For the Love of Reading

Picture of Joe Grewal
For the Love of Reading
by Joe Grewal - Wednesday, 14 January 2015, 7:58 AM
We are having a For the Love of Reading event in our library to celebrate literacy on February 10th and February 11th. For this event, each student has been asked to bring in a book or two from home that is in good condition and appropriate for students at our school by FridayJanuary 30th. On February 10th and 11th each student will come to the library to select a “new to them” book to take home. It would be helpful if you could help your child select a book to bring in. If this poses a hardship, we will have some extra books available. The goal is that every child has a book to take home!  Thank you, in advance, for your support.
Cindy Heppell
Teacher Librarian