PAC News

Jar Raffle Wednesday to Friday

Picture of Lochside PAC
Jar Raffle Wednesday to Friday
by Lochside PAC - Tuesday, 21 June 2022, 1:43 PM

Dear Families,

We are so excited to raffle off these fun prize jars at our end of year picnic this Friday from 5-8. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed jars!

To get everyone ready, please send your children to school with a loonie or two. We will be selling raffle tickets at lunch time from Wednesday to Friday for $1 each in the front office area.

We will draw five names and announce winners at the end of each day and the rest will be drawn at Friday's picnic until everything has been won!

Table with jars filled with prizes

We hope to see all of you on Friday from 5-8 to kick off the Summer!


LEPAC Picnic Planning Team

ps - Can anyone volunteer this Friday from 8:45-11:15 to give out Freezies for the school's Fun Day? Please email us if you can smile

pps - there are still some volunteers needed for the last bouncy castle watch and cleanup at the end of the night. Please help us if you can!