PAC News

Lochside Year End Picnic Celebration - June 24

Picture of Lochside PAC
Lochside Year End Picnic Celebration - June 24
by Lochside PAC - Friday, 10 June 2022, 11:12 AM

Hello Lochside Families!

We are looking forward to wrapping up the school year with a Picnic Celebration on June 24 from 5-8 on the school grounds!

All the details are in the attached posters but the main take-aways are:

- There will be food trucks on site or you can bring your own picnic
- We will need jars filled with little prizes made and dropped off at the office by June 20th
- We will need volunteers for short shifts on the day of. Please signup for at least one thing if you can 

Thank you so much,

Your LEPAC Executive Team