PAC News

Weekly Update - December 19, 2021

Picture of Lochside PAC
Weekly Update - December 19, 2021
by Lochside PAC - Sunday, 19 December 2021, 9:55 PM

On behalf of LEPAC we wish our Lochside community a very happy, fun, relaxing, restorative and safe Winter Break.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped out at the school during this busy time. We were able to bring some relief to lots of people and put smiles on the children’s faces. 

Food Drive

Great news! We were able to fill up 11 Community Hampers and fill up a van to go to the Mustard Seed. Thank you so much to everyone who brought in food and  to Denise for her work putting the hampers together.

Virtual Wish Tree

More good news! The Lochside community was able to pull together again and fulfill the wishes of our families needing help this year. Thank you all.  

LASP Winter Break Camp

LASP winter break camp runs December 20-23rd. Please email if you are interested. The cost is $40/day for non-LASP families and they are open from 7:30-5:30.

Fun Lunch

Pizza and Sub days will be back in the Spring term. If you ordered Fun Lunch before you can keep an eye on your inbox for when ordering is open. We will also be needing a core group of volunteers who can commit to distributing the food for the rest of the year. Let us know if you’re available.

Country Grocer Receipts

Thank you to everyone who brought in their receipts! Our wonderful volunteer Lindsay was able to process them all and we have earned $600 in gift cards for our emergency lunches and other school food needs. 

Ongoing Fundraisers

We have a few fundraisers that run year-round and help out LEPAC with things you might ordinarily do anyway

  1. Country Grocer - Save your receipts and bring them back to school with your child

  2. Bottle Depot - Take your bottles in and tell them it’s for “Lochside Elementary School PAC” 

  3. Mabel’s Labels - Try and save your kids’ items from the Lost & Found with cute little labels here. A portion of your purchase will be sent back to LEPAC! 

Upcoming Dates

December 20 - Winter Break - Happy Holidays!
January 4  - Back to school
January 6 - 2022 Kindergarten Info Session
January 11 - LEPAC Meeting (Most likely to be held remotely)