PAC News

Weekly Update - November 7th, 2021

Picture of Lochside PAC
Weekly Update - November 7th, 2021
by Lochside PAC - Sunday, 7 November 2021, 7:15 PM

The Card Project
Early orders are due tonight (Sunday)! Your child has worked on some winter art that you can have turned into greeting cards or other personalized items. A sample card should now, or shortly be going home with your student. Please check it out at and use our school Access Code: LX62. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these cards goes to LEPAC initiatives. The final order due date is November 21st.

We are running a Purdy's Chocolate Sale from now until November 23rd for a pickup date of December 8th. This is a very sweet way to get some gifts checked off your list and support LEPAC initiatives over the Winter season!

Holiday Bookshop
The holiday bookshop is returning this year!  At this time, we are asking you to please send in good condition, used books. Please consider what would make an appropriate gift; no outdated computer books, religious books, etc. We are also looking for donations of wrapping paper and gift tags. There will be a box by the front doors for your donations. Thank you in advance for your support!

School Parking Lot
As the weather turns rainy and wet, more people are entering the school parking lot. Thank you to all those who are “Driving to the rocks” in our parking lot. Please remind any family members or caregivers that help with pickup and drop off about pulling their cars forward as close to the rocks as possible and never to stop on the yellow lines.

The drop off lane is only meant for children who do not need assistance getting in and out of the car so that the driver can remain seated and ready to pull away. 

Also, a reminder there is no parking on the South side of Lochside Dr (the school side).  This is for the safety of the children and trail users.

Upcoming Events

November 7 - Deadline for Card Project early orders
November 9 - LEPAC Meeting (all parents welcome) 6:30-8:00 in Gym
November 10 - Popcorn Day
November 10 - Poppies Distributed (option to bring donation)
November 11 - Remembrance Day (no school)
November 12 - Pro-D Day (No School)
November 19 - Fun Lunch (Subway)

We have a few fundraisers that run year-round and help out LEPAC with things you might ordinarily do anyway! 

  1. Country Grocer - Save your receipts and bring them back to school with your child

  2. Bottle Depot - Take your bottles in and tell them it’s for “Lochside Elementary School PAC” 

  3. Mabel’s Labels - Try and save your kids’ items from the Lost & Found with cute little labels here. A portion of your purchase will be sent back to LEPAC!